Digital Transformation and Business Process Management initiatives are far from easy.
Indeed, according to recent research, as many as 70% of all Digital Transformation projects either fail or stall. Typically there are a number of familiar reasons why these projects fail:
the project was poorly conceived or poorly defined
did not have full ‘C’ level commitment
did not include the necessary due diligence up front
was more complex than appreciated
did not include clear objectives or goals
As a result, right from our beginning, back in 2013, we have always believed that it is better to be a Master of some trades rather than a Jack of all.
In other words, we focus on what we know, Enterprise Applications, Process Mining and Hyperautomation, and we work with partners and affiliates that bring additional product expertise to the table.
Adding Value
We do not claim to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ for your entire Digital Transformation or BPM program, instead we will consult with you to help you understand exactly what you are looking to achieve. We will add value where we can and we will bring in other experts or software to support your ambition.
We believe that Consultancy is vital. We also believe in giving you visibility and control of your organizational processes.
You need to find an organisation that you trust. An organisation that has the experience, technical competence and knowledge to help you get the job done, but one that also knows when to bring in the supporting cast.
As our ‘Run Better’ methodology attests, we are thorough and we do not like cutting corners.
We can add value to an existing Digital Transformation project or we can help you understand how to commence such a project. We can be there with you every step of the way.
We can also support you after the project has been delivered.
And whilst we are definitely not a Jack of all trades, we do know a thing or two about Big Data, IoT, Blockchain (check out our CEO’s bio), Analytics and the Cloud.
To find out more reach out to us at contactus@pranavatechnologies.co.uk
Cloud Migration
With more and more organisations looking to the Cloud as they plan to modernise mission critical applications, it is our commitment to work with you to ensure that your Cloud Migration journey is both seamless and successful.
Whether your plans evolve around migrating ERP, CRM or other critical applications from on premise to the cloud, you need a clear plan and ideally a partner who understands every step of the journey back to front.
We work with our customers to help them achieve their cloud migration tasks. This is especially relevant if you are also considering Process Mining and RPA solutions, as most of these are located in the Cloud.
We will work with you to help you understand the do’s and don’ts, getting your checklist right:
start planning and set a course (and a budget)
what are the benefits
how to exercise caution and minimise disruption
agree the migration-architect role
choose what level of Cloud integration you require
single cloud or multi-cloud
establish cloud KPI’s
prioritise tasks
communicate transparently to your colleagues
create a data-migration plan
review resource allocation
The list is almost endless, but critical to success.
Opportunity Knocks
Right now, over half of all enterprise organisations are currently migrating data for ERP or CRM applications to the cloud. The vast majority of these organisations said these business-critical ERP apps (SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics 365) lead to many migration challenges and concerns.
The top cloud migration concerns among the 200 managers, executives, and enterprise staff recently surveyed include the moving of sensitive data (65 percent), security (59 percent), compliance challenges (54 percent), disruption of business operations (47 percent), and time to migrate data (46 percent).
It is these key areas of concern that we will help you with. We will help you understand, plan and execute seamlessly, cost effectively and successfully.
It’s not our job to convince you why you should consider migrating mission critical applications to the cloud (we guess you already know why), but it is our job to share the journey, and the burden.